North West candidates for Libertas

These are your Libertas candidates for the North West region:

Thursday 30 April 2009

If you can't join us in Rome, join us online!

Over 1000 Libertas leaders, members, volunteers, supporters and special guests are joining us tomorrow in Rome for our first Libertas convention.

From 11am CET (10am GMT) we'll be streaming the convention live on

Thursday 23 April 2009

Libertas launches Blogads campaign

Libertas’ innovative new media campaign has reached new heights following the launch of a “blogads” campaign.

The adverts, which link to the Libertas website will be EU-wide and on a variety of topics. The first will feature on some of the UK’s most influential and popular political blogs, including Guido Fawkes.

Libertas can now reach out to the millions of people that check these blogs every day, and offer them the chance to stand up to the unelected Brussels bureaucrats who are trying to take more power for the EU, bypassing the views of the people of Europe.

Robin Matthews, Libertas Party Leader in the UK says:
"What this kind of innovative e-campaigning allows us to do is highlight exactly how badly all major national parties have let down British voters. It's not just that Labour have broken their promise to hold a referendum, or that the Tories are toothless and aimless in the face of Brussels. It is that their MEPs have gone totally native as well, voting themselves massive pay increases while British families go to the wall. It's time that somebody held them to account.''

Monday 20 April 2009

Welcome to Libertas North West

Libertas is the fresh and exciting new political force sweeping across Europe. We are dedicated solely to reforming the EU; we want to stop the waste, end the corruption and put democracy at the heart of Europe.

Libertas is the first and only pan-European party, which means that we will be big enough to bring about the sweeping changes needed, but only with your support.

We want a new kind of European Union, based upon democracy, transparency and accountability. Unelected and unanswerable elites in Brussels are making laws behind closed doors that change our lives, and threaten our jobs. It must stop.

Brussels isn’t listening. It’s time to make them.

Whichever party you voted for last time, it made no difference. If you want change, change your vote.