North West candidates for Libertas

These are your Libertas candidates for the North West region:

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Growing Support for Libertas

With just two days to go before the EU elections, support for Libertas, the pan-European reform party is growing rapidly in the media. As the shine comes off UKIP as the alternative vote, journalists across the board are taking a fresh look at Libertas, the party that took on Brussels and won.

In just the last day or so, the Daily Mail included a glowing piece by Peter Oborne and then the Sun joined in with an endorsement by Trevor Kavanagh and a further compliment in the editorial.

Here are some of the highlights:

A better bet is Libertas, the new party that sensationally humiliated established political parties in Ireland last year. In a brilliant campaign, backed by The Sun, Libertas turned a near-certain YES into a bombshell NO on the Constitution.
- Trevor Kavanagh, The Sun

Many voters are tempted by the increasingly credible Libertas.”
-The Sun Says column

At a time of moral squalor and decay in Westminster and Brussels, both Libertas and Jury Team offer voters a hugely refreshing - and, perhaps, the only proper - alternative on Thursday.
- Peter Oborne, Daily Mail

Thursday 28 May 2009

The North West: Home of Euro-Sleaze

The last five years have been an interesting period for the North West in terms of euro-politics. Despite only having nine MEPs in the region, five of them have been exposed as employing their wives, one was found guilty of an expense scandal that dwarfs everything seen from our MPs in the last couple of weeks, one defected to another party and not one but two of them are competing for the title of Britain’s laziest MEP.

The 2004 European vote gave us three Labour, three Tory, two Lib Dem and a UKIP MEP, but it didn’t stay that way for long. In 2007 Sajjad Karim, the Liberal Democrat Muslim MEP defected to the Tories claiming that the Lib Dems had "lost their way". Luckily, his conversion to euroscepticism coincided with being voted into second place on the Lib Dem list for the North West region for this coming election, leaving him likely to lose his seat.

Keeping it in the family
It seems that our North West MEPs believe in keeping it in the family. Most famously, Conservative MEP Den Dover was forced resign as chief whip in Brussels after it was disclosed that he had secretly handed over a whopping £758,000 in staffing allowances over seven years to a company run by his wife and daughter.

Sir Robert Atkins, the lead Conservative candidate in this election, employs his wife, Dulcie (Lady Atkins), as a secretary on £30-40k and his son, James, worked for him in Brussels until 2004.

David Sumberg, also a Conservative MEP pays his wife an astonishing £54,000 per year for secretarial work, making her one of the highest paid secretaries in Britain, earning nearly as much as he does.

Lib Dem then Tory MEP, Sajjad Karrim, also hired his wife Zahida on £26,000 per year to run his office, despite the fact that she was already working two days a week as a teacher.

Not wanting to be left out, Brian Simpson, the Labour MEP, hired both his son and his wife.

Britain’s Laziest MEP
Last year, David Sumberg, Conservative MEP, was labelled ‘Britain’s Laziest MEP’ by the News of the World after it was revealed that he has made just two speeches in four years. On top of this he has an abysmal attendance record, taking part in just 46% of votes in the European Parliament.

But he has stiff competition for the title of ‘Britain’s Laziest MEP’. Fellow North West MEP, John Whittaker, the UKIP representative, actually voted even less, managing an unbelievable 45% attendance record. For a member of the party that claims to be the opposition to the EU, John Whittaker didn’t spend a great deal of time voting against anything.

Free tickets
Labour MEP, Arlene McCarthy often received publicity for appearing to stand up for football fans in the North West, until it was revealed by the Sun that she was receiving free Premiership VIP tickets, sometimes four at a time, while the fans she was supposedly representing were forking out ever higher ticket prices.

Nick Griffin
To top off the misery, the North West is the primary target of the BNP, where its leader Nick Griffin is standing, and plenty of eyes around the world will be watching to see whether we elect this most unpleasant man into public office.

More choice than ever
The good news for the coming election is that there is more choice than ever. For people not wanting to reward the main parties over their expense abuses, and not wanting to vote for extremists like the BNP and UKIP, there are plenty of alternatives. The English Democrats, the Jury Team (all independents), the Christian Party, the Green Party, No2EU (a Trades Union movement), and the Socialist Labour Party are all standing.

There is also the new Libertas party, which is the first party ever to have candidates standing right across Europe, campaigning to radically reform the European Union and stamp out sleaze. Formed out of the campaign group that successfully stopped the Lisbon constitution in Ireland, Libertas looks set to be a major new force for change in Europe.

John Humberstone

Hello, my name is John Humberstone and I’m the Libertas candidate for the Regional Constituency of Wales in the European elections on Thursday June 4th of this year. I thought I should tell you a bit about myself to help you make an informed decision when you get to the ballot box. I want you to know just how important the need to change is.

I’m fighting in this election because I’m very concerned about the unceasing hand-over of British sovereignty to a body that is so distant, opaque and unaccountable to the people it is supposed to serve. Please don’t get me wrong, I believe in our membership of the Europe Economic Community passionately. But I think it’s time that we – the people – reform and renew Europe ourselves. Now, in a time of the global financial turmoil, it is more critical than ever before, lets face it the people we have entrusted this task to have let us down badly, we cannot allow these people to go on rewarding themselves for failure, rewarding themselves with our money, money that could be far better spent on cleaner hospitals, better care for the elderly and providing education establishments that are not dilapidated, overcrowded or non existent.

I am a trained in Marketing and Advertising, I have been in this industry nearly all my working life, I was born in 1949 in Sheffield a city renowned for steel making. My late wife Sally and I moved to North East Derbyshire just after we were married in 1976 , she worked in a large shopping complex in Nottingham as a secretary where we met, I have three sons, aged between 23 and 30 and a daughter in her early 20s currently studying for a child care diploma, I also delight in having two young grandchildren. For the past 16 years, my main occupation has been in the advertising world working mostly for Radio Stations in the Midlands and North West, rising to the position of Sales Director, this in addition to bringing up a family of four on my own, a daunting task for anyone, but a rewarding one and one that helps you appreciate just how hard families work to make ends meet and just how infuriating it is when you see people wasting your taxes with little or no accountability and a you left with a feeling of helplessness as to know what to do to stop it.

I know what it means to see your taxes shoot up just as your weekly wage goes down. But being trained in the advertising, it has given me the tools and the experience to stand up and advocate for others, especially those who can’t fight for themselves, when I recognize just how much spin and glossing over of the truth goes on to cover up the incredible waste that goes on in our name in the European Union.

My last 8 years as a community councillor and the last 4 of them combined as a county borough councillor ,where I was spokesperson for better government for older people and co-chair of the Finance Scrutiny committee, I have stood up and asked questions about the poor representation we get not just in Cardiff ,but also in Brussels.I have found it hard to see the amount of taxation we are faced with without representation or any proper accountability We have a large portion of our local population particulary in North East Wales from Eastern European states and this has given me a keen interest in employment, immigration and our whole social system which is creaking at the seams, with little or no help from the EEC.

All of this experience has fed into my decision to stand for the European Parliament on June 4th, I know what its like to see an uneven playing field in the labour market and will seek to redress the balance and bring more long term and sustainable employment to Wales, our rural communities have been devastated by steady decline in the availability of local jobs.

So what are Libertas’ and my priorities?

Because the economy is in an unprecedented mess, Libertas and I will ensure that EVERY penny spent by Europe demonstrates value-for-money, in order that we can safeguard our financial future, and that of our children.

Because I believe that democracy is one of the values that unites ALL Europeans, Libertas will make the EU truly open and accountable like never before. We want to publicise the way decisions are made and who makes them, so that we can make Europe work for us and become truly transparent

Because Europe has been run in secrecy by élites and bureaucrats that are simply unknown to most people, I want to be part of a grassroots movement that gives Europe back to its people and you can make this happen on June 4th.

That is why I ask you to vote for me and the new, pan-European party Libertas on June 4th.and lets start the change now.
Thank you, I hope I can count on your vote for change.

John Humberstone

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Anthony Butcher

My name is Anthony Butcher and I am a candidate for the North West.

Why am I standing for Libertas?
Libertas is offering a future for Europe never seriously considered before. Until now, the choice has always been 'more or less' Europe. But it doesn't have to be that way. Because Libertas is standing right across the European Union, we could have the power to change the entire direction of the EU.

I don't want an EU superstate. I want a Europe of cooperating sovereign nations. Cooperation doesn't work when it is forced upon us top-down by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. As we have seen, all this achieves is growing resentment and an ever increasing bureaucracy.

Libertas is offering us the chance to take the power back and put it in the hands of the public. We should be able to decide our own future at the ballot box.

I also believe very strongly in leading by example, and if elected I intend to set the highest possible standards of behaviour as an MEP. This includes publishing all my expenses in detail, with receipts and an explanation. I want our public figures to be people we can trust.

About Me

I run a small IT company and so have an understanding of the burden of bureaucracy coming from Brussels that impedes our businesses.

I have been involved in politics for a number of years. My first political experience was with the Save Kidderminster Hospital group, where we campaigned to re-open emergency services for the Wyre Forest area and one of Britain's few independent MPs, Dr Richard Taylor, was elected.

I later joined the UK Independence Party and was elected to their National Executive Committee. In 2006 I left the party feeling that although I agreed with many of their complaints about the European Union, I couldn't support their negative direction and hostile form of politics, both internal and external.

I now run the British Democracy Forum, a 'eurosceptic' web forum focusing on the smaller parties in Britain. I also own the Politigg political news service.

A few years ago I set up the Label My Food campaign, which seeks better menu information in pubs, restaurants and cafes for vegetarians, allergy sufferers and religious groups.

A few people have commented that I am not from the North West (I live in Bristol, but would move to Manchester if elected). My answer to this is simple; if you want an MEP to just go to Brussels and tell them how wonderful the North West is, then vote for one of the establishment parties. If you want an MEP to go to Brussels and work to end the corruption, stop the waste and put democracy at the heart of the EU, then I am your man. Many of our existing MEPs, such as Den Dover and Sir Robert Atkins are from the North West and have proved to be a disgrace to our region; it's what we achieve that matters, not where we are from.

I was picked by Libertas for the North West region because I believe passionately in tackling the anti-democratic scourge that is the European Union in its current form. It can be changed, but only if we get enough public support to make it happen.

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, please email me:

Paul Dabrowa

Hi, my name is Paul John Dabrowa and I am the first Polish citizen to be a candidate and in the UK in EU elections.

I was born in Australia to a Polish mother and an Irish father, I speak Polish (with an Australian accent) and bear a strong affinity to Poland. My Polish step-father was a refugee after serving in the British Army.

After studies in Australia and graduate studies at Harvard I pursued a successful banking career in London. I made regular television appearances on Polish channel TVP providing insightful economic analysis during the banking crisis for the nightly news.

Through my time in the UK I havebecome acutely aware of the severe difficulties Polish people have working abroad. When I first arrived in London I lived next door to a Polish church in West London. There I saw the Polish experience first hand – I spent my free time assisting new immigrants in obtaining visas, jobs and accommodation. Having lived and worked in the UK for many years, I understands how the UK system can be used to make life better for Polish immigrants.

Polish immigrants make up for 1.6% of the British population, and are an integral part of the labour force in this country. These people have moved over here to work and have contributed to the British society for many years, and they should not be ignored. Their own president called them traitors for moving to the UK and contributing to the economy. Enough!

I decided to run in the British elections in order to give an English speaking face to the millions of Poles in the United Kingdom. The Polish community in the UK is one which is really in need of representation in the European Parliament, and the people can achieve that by voting for me in the European elections in June

By running in the UK as a candidate for Polish people I will prove to the British political parties that Poles vote and are an important part of British society.

Libertas provides a strong voice as a pan-European party. This is an election for EU Parliament, all EU citizens in the UK should be able to have influence within the EU.

Bill Westall

Hi my name is Bill Westall and I’m standing for Libertas in the North West elections on June 4th. I thought I should tell you a bit about myself to help you make an informed decision in the ballot box.

I’m fighting in this election because I’m really concerned that we do not have the transparent form of democracy we all deserve. In the European parliament we have 785 MEPs, but they do not have the ability to formulate laws, they can oppose them or offer amendments but that is all, we need to have a truly democratic body which will work for the good of all the peoples of Europe and take us forward. We need to remove all the unelected bureaucrats and make everyone accountable.

I was born in Liverpool in 1951, with no disadvantages, I was strong healthy and fit and went through the local education system, times were hard but we all pulled together, I went on to become an apprentice electrician, but that was only temporary, as a family we moved to Wgan were I moved into the motor trade
This was the best move of my life. It gave me an insight into how things worked in the world of business and how to get things done.

I understand the pressures this recession is putting on people I have already been through a number of them with both Conservative and Labour governments.

After spending 22 years with Citroen UK in a number of management positions I know how hard things can get, industry is a good teacher.

I am fortune that I have a healthy family, including a grandson Freddie who joined us only a year ago, but I want to see them progress into a future that has limitless opportunities.

My personal issue is one of energy provision. I fully support the move to a green environment, but and it’s a big but we must ensure that we have enough energy to progress. The first issue we must address is our current provision.

Coal, Gas and Nuclear provide for our needs, this must continue, but moving to the future we must address these needs, new clean Coal and Nuclear generating plants must be our priority.

Looking over the horizon, we have available abundant energy from the Sun, let’s utilize it. I firmly believe that we have the ability to exploit solar power; it’s clean, green and free and if the legislation can be brought forward to encourage domestic installation, Manchester can lead the way.

So what are Libertas’ and my priorities?

I’ve mentioned energy and that is very important, but the current situation means we must focus on the economy, the economy is in an unprecedented mess, Libertas and I will ensure that EVERY penny spent by Europe demonstrates value-for-money, in order that we can safeguard our financial future, and that of our children.

Because I believe that democracy is one of the values that unites ALL Europeans, Libertas will make the EU truly open and accountable like never before. We want to publicise the way decisions are made and who makes them, so that we can make Europe work for us.

Because Europe has been run in secrecy by élites and bureaucrats that are simply unknown to most people, I want to be part of a grassroots movement that gives Europe back to its people.


That is why I ask you to vote for me and the new, pan-European party Libertas on June 4th.

Thank you,

Bill Westall

Dr Brendan O'Reilly

My name is Brendan O’Reilly and I’m standing for Libertas in the European Elections for the North West constituency. I am aware that you may not be familiar with Libertas because it is a new political party. Libertas differs from the other Parties because it believes in the need for more democracy in Europe.

For a long time I have been concerned about what is happening in politics and about the fact that we are being forced to live by more and more laws which now intrude into every aspect of our lives. We are losing many of our freedoms, the economy is in a very bad state and there is political instability in many parts of the World, and much of this instability impacts on Britain and Europe. Much of the legislation coming from Europe is proposed by people who are not elected and who are not accountable. This must change.

I do not want young people growing up in a Society that is run by people who in reality are not accountable to voters. Neither do I want young people living a life that is over-burdened with laws, rules and regulations as well as by increasing intrusion.

I do want people to have more say in how their lives are governed – Democracy and Accountability. I was born in Liverpool and believe that the North West is good for Europe and a democratic answerable Europe is good for the North West, but as citizens, we need to have a greater say.

I have been involved in several political issues over the years, such as, Amnesty International, Cambodia, Northern Ireland and was a member of Fianna Fail (the main political party in Ireland for several years).

Your vote really matters. I would be honoured if you would give me Your vote so that I can fight for Your right for greater Democracy and accountability in Europe. As things stand very few of us know who our MEPs are. If I am elected this will change and more of us will have a say.

Please remember that the economy and many other issues are in a perilous state – someone is responsible for this – in Britain this someone is the Labour Party. The Conservatives have not shown how things will improve under their stewardship. Therefore we need new people with new ideas. By electing President Obama America has led the way in this.

Can we do it? Yes We can